TKAM Crossword - Chptrs 4-6 - Emerson Moor

  1. 2. What do the kids use to give Mr. Radley a letter?
  2. 6. Who claims to have won Jem's pants from him?
  3. 8. What was Jem using to cut up newspaper on the porch?
  4. 9. Who is the man the kids make a game about?
  5. 13. Who is the town gossip?
  6. 16. What were the kids trying to give Boo Radley through the window?
  1. 1. Where were the kids supposed to be when they snuck up to the Radley Place?
  2. 3. Who thinks every night sound is Boo Radley?
  3. 4. Who is the lady that does not like going inside?
  4. 5. Who Shot the shotgun?
  5. 7. What do the kids drink to cool off in the hot sun?
  6. 10. What does Atticus do at night when Jem is sneaking out that makes Scout freeze?
  7. 11. Who gets mad at the kids for making fun of Boo Radley?
  8. 12. Where do the kids go after they hear a gunshot?
  9. 14. What do Dill and Jem call scout when she doubts their plan?
  10. 15. Who loses their pants climbing under a fence?