TL1 - B 38-41

  1. 6. Technology that you can erase and record multiple times (CD-RW) p.37
  2. 7. _____ Card small circuit board that enable computers to communicate with peripheral devices
  3. 8. _____ Cards with fast data transfer rate that have cryptographic security protection for copyrighted data and music.
  4. 9. High capacity storage that is portable, accesses data quickly, and uses very little power
  5. 11. Segment of the data bus between the RAM and the peripheral device (2 words)
  6. 12. _____Cards solid state storage about the size of a postage stamp. Initially used in mobile phones and pagers
  7. 13. circuits that send data from a computer to a peripheral device (2 words)
  1. 1. This is required to transfer data from solid-state storage cards to a computer (2 words)
  2. 2. Technology that can be recorded on a disc (CD-R) p.36
  3. 3. port used to connect many peripheral devices to your computer (3 words)
  4. 4. _____Cards are about the size of a matchbook and provide high storage capacities and and access speed
  5. 5. Software required for each peripheral device and expansion card to communicate with the computer
  6. 10. _____ Drives and solid-state storage drives incorporate the memory and the reader into one device (2 words)