"To Kill a Mockingbird" Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The man ----- into the piece of wood using a very sharp axe.
  2. 6. The diseases caused much harm and invoked -----, through the land
  3. 11. The girl began to ----- her old friends and invite new friends to activities.
  4. 13. I looked with ----- upon a three headed dog that was eating a bone.
  5. 15. The girl brought up ----- topics that enraged and separated the class, by their beliefs.
  6. 16. The girl was a ----- brat, who thought she was the center of the world.
  7. 20. A ----- action may cause emotional or physical harm to someone.
  8. 21. The crowd gathered for the ----- event that all were waiting for.
  9. 22. The King's ----- lead to a rebellion to rid themselves of his hateful rule.
  10. 23. The girl felt ----- as her brother made new friends and left her behind.
  11. 25. The positive remarks given to the student, about his grades were -----to him and his mother.
  1. 1. The loud, disturbing, and repeating sounds of the clock caused me much -----.
  2. 3. The delivery man delivered a small -----, which contained the tiniest little necklace.
  3. 4. The hurricane lead to people taking -----in shelter, while their homes were being repared.
  4. 5. ----- was given to the victims of natural disasters by charities raising funds for those in need.
  5. 7. The children required ----- from their mother, who always knew how to guide them in the right direction.
  6. 8. The prince would inherit ----- lands from his father, the King.
  7. 9. The host of the party ----- thanked the guests for their wonderful gifts and blessings.
  8. 10. The public criticism caused feelings of -----, to the ashamed boy.
  9. 12. In the spring the ----- rain seems to never end.
  10. 14. There have been many ----- at the hands of vicious people, who wished to bring violence.
  11. 17. The ancient Egyptians used ----- jars to preserve the bodies of those who were dead and powerful.
  12. 18. Some people ----- in the past and don’t think about the future.
  13. 19. The ----- car sputtered and creaked as it inched down the highway.
  14. 24. The bystanders felt ----- to help the innocent boy being bullied.