To Kill a Mockingbird Part 1

  1. 3. Exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength
  2. 4. Without liveliness or spirit; odd
  3. 6. Similar; alike; corresponding in some particular way
  4. 9. Small; little; tiny
  5. 11. Uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
  6. 12. Irregular; peculiar; odd
  7. 13. Tending to argument; quarrelsome
  8. 16. Evil; harmful
  9. 17. Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement
  10. 19. Hazy, vague, indistict, or confused
  11. 20. Showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness
  1. 1. To make milder or less severe
  2. 2. Offense; annoyance; displeasure
  3. 5. Promising success; favorable
  4. 7. Originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country
  5. 8. A tendency to think favorably of something in particular
  6. 10. Understood without being openly expressed
  7. 14. Unjustly cruel, harsh, or severe
  8. 15. Inclined to silence; reserved in speech
  9. 18. Friendly; sociable