To Kill a Mockingbird Vocab

  1. 2. Distrustful of human nature.
  2. 3. Gruesome, gloomy, or dark.
  3. 4. Direct and unreserved in speech.
  4. 6. With great anger, hatred or ill-will.
  5. 10. To annoy or anger someone.
  6. 11. A brief, temporary stay.
  7. 12. A special allowance; privilege.
  8. 14. Bitter, stinging, or caustic in nature or speech.
  9. 17. An angry dispute; quarrel.
  10. 19. A feeling of resentment or ill-will.
  1. 1. Someone who pretends to have virtues, morals or religious beliefs that they do not possess.
  2. 5. An unpleasant situation.
  3. 7. Inclined to make trouble; unruly.
  4. 8. Tending to fight; quarrelsome.
  5. 9. A magnificent, decorated tomb.
  6. 13. Not consistent; not in agreement.
  7. 15. One who prepares and sells medicine.
  8. 16. Punishment in return for a wrong.
  9. 18. Characterized by cleverness or originality.