To Pluto and Back

  1. 2. _____ the Hutt
  2. 7. What food do we no longer eat because of Summer'13
  3. 9. What dance did I do during Would You Rather?
  4. 10. We'll go to bed when the ___ comes up
  5. 11. Goodnight _____
  6. 12. You are the ______ to my Holmes
  7. 15. My _____ is leaking!
  8. 16. The part of your bed I claimed as mine
  9. 17. Our favorite place to hang out
  1. 1. Queen Where did we eat at most drill meets
  2. 3. What did I borrow during our first sleepover?
  3. 4. What kind of worm are we?
  4. 5. What if ___ were flip phones?
  5. 6. What dead animal did we see on the way to 7-11
  6. 8. On what day are phones not allowed
  7. 13. Which parent's have the same name, spelt differently
  8. 14. We've been _____ for five and a half years