To Thee O Dearest Turner

  1. 3. _________
  2. 7. school street
  3. 10. among the first African Americans to receive a PhD
  4. 12. bishop
  5. 13. Ga Tech student integrator
  6. 14. park
  7. 15. principal and librarian
  8. 17. UGA integrator
  9. 18. record breaking pitcher both City-wide and State-wide in the 1966 State Championship
  10. 21. one of the 1st Black Female Mayors
  11. 23. coach
  12. 28. among 1st African American stewardesses
  13. 29. second principal
  14. 30. hmthsnaa 1956 cfo
  15. 31. orchestra
  1. 1. green and white
  2. 2. 1st African American woman to teach in the Standford Univ School of Education
  3. 4. scholarship
  4. 5. UGA integrater
  5. 6. school opened
  6. 8. picnic on the ________
  7. 9. coach
  8. 11. 1st Black in Ga. to receive a PGA card
  9. 15. community
  10. 16. beautiful English
  11. 19. alumni association leader
  12. 20. among the first African Americans to receive a PhD
  13. 22. school song writer
  14. 24. Ga Tech student integrator
  15. 25. industrial
  16. 26. American government
  17. 27. Turner's top girl star in recent history; Atlanta's top hurdler and high jumper
  18. 31. Turner was expelled from legislature for