- 2. I can fly using my wings.
- 4. You go here to see lots of animals.
- 8. I like to eat people in lakes.
- 11. I am a type of reptile.
- 14. I live in cold areas of ice.
- 15. I swim around in schools in the ocean.
- 17. I like to meow.
- 18. Look out for my fin in the ocean.
- 19. You can find me in soil.
- 1. I like to hop everywhere.
- 3. I make happy clucking sounds.
- 5. I have eight tentacles.
- 6. You like to drink my milk.
- 7. I swing from trees.
- 9. I have a trunk.
- 10. I store water in humps on my back.
- 12. I like to bark.
- 13. I have a very tall neck.
- 16. I like to gallop.
- 18. I live in a shell in your garden.