Toe Knee - Chemistry

  1. 5. Involving different substances
  2. 6. Mass of an atom
  3. 8. Arranged the periodic table
  4. 10. Substances formed from chemical reactions
  5. 11. A substance that is formed when chemicals are bonded together
  6. 12. Gases that are non reactants
  7. 13. A lab tool used to measure the volume of liquids
  8. 14. A mixture of two or more substances
  9. 16. A solid that forms out of solution
  10. 18. A lab to to transport small amounts of liquids
  1. 1. A metal that has properties of metals and non metals
  2. 2. When they share electrons it is known as a ...?
  3. 3. Alike
  4. 4. Properties that you can observe with your senses
  5. 6. Component of an element
  6. 7. Chemicals that react
  7. 9. Substance from the periodic table that is made from one type of atom
  8. 11. Property that reacts when substances are mixed together
  9. 15. Column of elements in the periodic table also known as a family
  10. 17. Horizontal row in the periodic table.