- 4. A benefit for one person, means a loss for another person
- 7. The tendency for an impression created in one area to influence one's opinion in another area
- 8. A 3 part argument in which a conclusion is drawn from 2 premises
- 11. The gap between people with and without access to technology
- 13. A belief that a decision should be made based on what will make the most people happy
- 17. When you explain something in synonyms
- 18. Noam Chomsky's claim that language is natural and instinctive
- 21. A statement that is vague or generalized but seems specific and personalized
- 22. Asks questions about the nature and the scope of knowledge
- 1. According to Plato's tripartite theory, these three aspects are necessary for knowledge
- 2. Moves from specific cases to a general conclusion
- 3. The mystery we solved on the first day of class
- 5. An action is right if it pursues your own self-interest
- 6. Tendency to believe false info after repeated exposure
- 9. Famously said "if a lion could speak, we could not understand him"
- 10. You can have justification, truth, and belief and still not know something
- 12. The mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase
- 14. The tendency to search for information that confirms what we already believe
- 15. Problem-solving principle saying that you should not make more assumptions than necessary
- 16. A notion of evil that has no roots in evil motives
- 19. "Blank slate" said by John Locke
- 20. This person famously said "Cogito ergo sum" or "I think therefore I am"