- 3. an account or statement that makes something clear
- 5. a confident opinion; something thought to be true
- 7. often described as the “philosophy of knowledge,” interrogates what we know and the mechanisms behind our understanding
- 9. outside the scope of morality; lacking any moral framework
- 11. a collection of works considered by scholars to be the most important and influential
- 12. a person with specialist skills and/or knowledge
- 13. the quality of being fair and impartial
- 15. the use of robots and machine systems to replace human work
- 16. conforming to accepted moral standards
- 18. an attitude of doubt; a method of obtaining knowledge through systematic doubt and continual testing
- 20. generally refers to conclusive evidence, leaving little place for doubt
- 21. the theory suggests that sensory experience is the primary source of knowledge
- 22. a map of beliefs and practices through which a group of people try to make sense of reality
- 23. a figure of speech in which words are used to say one thing and mean the opposite
- 1. a form of peer pressure which leads everyone in a group to think in the same way
- 2. clear, made obvious, openly expressed
- 3. the philosophical study of how we know what we know, and the exploration of the difference between justified belief and opinion
- 4. to prove something to be false
- 6. genuine, conforming to acknowledged standards
- 7. sings that you can see, hear, experience or read to support the truth of an assertion
- 8. a generalised description of observations about a relationship between two or more things in the natural world
- 10. the negation of a thesis
- 14. prejudice, unfairness, favouritism, one-sided preference
- 15. belief in absolute truth and absolute cultural, religious, political and moral standards against which all other views can be judged
- 17. the branch of philosophy that studies beauty and the arts; principles concerned with beauty and artistic taste
- 19. the ability to imagine and understand the feelings and viewpoint of another person