- 5. goes from specific examples/case to a general theory/conclusion
- 7. being able to see
- 9. goes from general theory to a specific case
- 11. theory that physical response comes first
- 12. assuming a person is always right because they are kind
- 15. created labeling theory, believed self identity and the behavior of individuals can be determined by the terms used to identify them
- 16. instinctive feeling something from reasoning
- 17. famous for the line experiment at swathmore college in 1940
- 1. to go up against a person argument you insult them or bring up irrelevant things
- 2. the decision to not make a choice is making a choice
- 3. determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes
- 4. a situation that benefits me, but means a loss for you
- 6. used to describe when beliefs are reinforced by repetition
- 8. our language influences our thoughts
- 10. when words/phrases have multiple possible meanings
- 13. being able to hear
- 14. how people act to further their own self intrest