- 2. Presentations will start on the XXXXXXXXX of June
- 3. your RLS should form the XXXXX of your presentation
- 6. Once you have chosen your RLS and established what AOK/s will be discussed, you should consider asking the knowledge XXXXXXXXX to structure your thinking
- 7. Prior to doing your presentation you will need to submit a XXX
- 8. The PPD must be submitted by the XXXXX of June
- 10. The number of people who will present each TOK presentation
- 11. this is essential for your presentation to be validated
- 14. your presentation should contain thinking on both a concrete and XXXXXXXX level
- 15. the Main RLS should allow you to come up with a strong KQ worth TOK XXXXXXXX
- 16. Your presentation should raise a main KQ and XXXXXXXXXX KQs
- 17. the main focus of the analysis in your presentation should be ok this
- 18. Your should base your analysis on one or two XXXX
- 1. Remember that an RLS and a KQ cannot be XXXXXXXX within your TOK class
- 4. A level 5 presentation should be this
- 5. Your arguments should include claims and XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- 9. The PPD will be the only document sent to the IB for XXXXXXXXXX
- 10. The number of minutes your presentation should last
- 12. Grades for both students presenting will be this
- 13. During the process, you are allowed up to three interactions with your teacher, TWO of which are this