Toms Natural Resources Unit

  1. 4. source: sun, pros: free source, unlimited, env. friendly, cons: not efficient, expensive set-up
  2. 6. source: moving air, pros: free source, env. friendly, cons: expensive set-up, eyesore-birds, inconsistent source
  3. 7. source: rising and falling water, pros: free source, unlimited, two-way, cons: only 25 locations, navigation safety, eyesore
  4. 8. overlying soil and rock are removed from the land in strips
  5. 13. how is the garbage patch different than what many people would assume?
  6. 15. source: atem splitting, pros: not expensive, lots of source, cons: safety concerns, expensive set-up, weapons possible
  1. 1. operate under the earths surface that requires special equipment and manpower
  2. 2. source: burning of coal, oil, or natural gas, pros: not expensive source or set-up, readily available, cons: environment, not renewable
  3. 3. what is the great pacific garbage patch?
  4. 5. leaves big scars on the earth, sometimes converted into landfills or lakes
  5. 9. source: natural heat coming from the earth, pros free source, unlimited, env. friendly, cons: few locations, expensive set-up
  6. 10. source: moving river water, pros: cheap source, env. friendly, recreation, cons: flooding, expensive set-up
  7. 11. source: ocean waves, pros: free source, unlimited, cons: navigation safety, eyesore
  8. 12. minerals that are burned to produce energy. they are formed from the remains of dead plants and animals.
  9. 14. source: burning natural products or waste, pros: free source, gets rid of waste, env. friendly, cons: environment, better use of natural products?