Too Dear

  1. 1. name the machine used to execute people.
  2. 5. The criminal agreed to go away from the prison after he was offered a _____.
  3. 7. What was the execution converted into?
  4. 10. Which government is Republican and has no proper respect for the king in ‘Too Dear!’?
  5. 13. which game do people play in the gaming house?
  6. 14. Who according to the Council was a brother monarch in ‘Too Dear!’?
  7. 15. What is the currency of Monaco?
  8. 16. The people of Monaco mentioned in ‘Too Dear!’ were ______.
  9. 17. Which kingdom in ‘Too Dear’ monopolized in the gaming business?
  10. 19. What did the criminal do to earn his living after his release in ‘Too Dear!’?
  11. 21. How much pension did the criminal receive as an advance before leaving Monaco ?
  1. 1. What was the main source of king’s revenue?
  2. 2. Where did the criminal settle after emigrating?
  3. 3. How much did the king spend annually to take care of the criminal?
  4. 4. Where was the criminal’s food fetched from?
  5. 6. Who gains more from the gaming house?
  6. 8. What was the total population of Monaco?
  7. 9. How many francs would it cost for the executioner and the guillotine machine according to France?
  8. 10. What work was the guard given?
  9. 11. How many francs would it cost for the executioner and the guillotine machine according to Italy?
  10. 12. Name the commodities taxed in Monaco.
  11. 18. What was the first punishment decided for the murderer?
  12. 20. How many soldiers were in the army?