Top Gun Maverick

  1. 2. Literally uses his first name as his call sign
  2. 6. "Right into the _______!"
  3. 7. Comes to the rescue and saves Maverick and Rooster
  4. 9. Almost loses his job every single day
  5. 12. Goose's son
  6. 13. Kazansky's call sign
  7. 14. Planet Maverick crashed on
  8. 15. The angry admiral's call sign
  9. 16. The plane Maverick and Rooster steal
  1. 1. Hit Lady Gaga song
  2. 3. Her call sign is "a bird on fire"
  3. 4. Maverick's girlfriend
  4. 5. Hit OneRepublic song
  5. 8. Name of the plane that reached mach 10
  6. 10. His call sign is basically a wolf
  7. 11. "Goodness gracious, _________!"