Topic 11 Lesson 2 Quiz

  1. 3. worked for free but received housing and food
  2. 4. lower-ranking vassals
  3. 6. set of rules followed by knights
  4. 8. had to have the lord's permission to do different things
  5. 11. a place that consisted of the noble's castle, the surrounding fields, and a village for the peasants
  6. 12. high-ranking noble who had power over others
  7. 14. where freemen and serfs lived
  8. 16. lower-ranking noble who served a lord
  9. 18. business group
  10. 19. ran the manor
  1. 1. worked on their own land and could go about life freely
  2. 2. a meeting to deal with important matters
  3. 5. invention that was used on a horse to be able to attach a plow
  4. 7. land given to a vassal for being loyal to a lord
  5. 9. political and social order at the time
  6. 10. main work done on the manor
  7. 13. invention that helped farming
  8. 15. given to nobles for fighting for the king
  9. 17. most popular event of Knights