Topic 4&5 — Variety of Living Organisms, and Biological Molecules and Diet

  1. 4. They can be both multicellular and singlecellular, and are great bakers.
  2. 7. It makes the stuff that makes red blood cells red.
  3. 9. Pregnant people need more of this.
  4. 13. What do plants, animals, fungi and protoctists have in common?
  5. 14. Turns out carrots actually do help with your vision, because they are rich in ______!
  6. 15. An element that is in protein, but not carbohydrates and lipids.
  7. 17. If it turns black, then there’s starch present.
  8. 18. What happens if you don’t eat enough citrus fruits…
  9. 19. Which living organism lacks a nucleus, and can make yoghurt?
  10. 21. Plants have a cell wall made of ____.
  11. 22. Common feature of protoctists, bacteria, and some Fungi.
  1. 1. Fungi have a cell wall made of ____.
  2. 2. Opposite of 13 across.
  3. 3. Common feature of plants, animals, and some Fungi.
  4. 5. If lipids are present, then the ethanol/water mix will become ____.
  5. 6. Prevents constipation.
  6. 8. Harmful, in organism terms.
  7. 10. If it turns purple, then there’s proteins present.
  8. 11. Like plants and animals, but... less.
  9. 12. Glucose, Amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol, etc.
  10. 16. They’re in the topic of living organisms, but they are not alive.
  11. 20. Tests the presence of a carbohydrate that isn’t starch.