Topic 6 Hardware Software Dev

  1. 3. components of computer used to run specific set of tasks
  2. 4. a remote storage housed on an external device that can be accessed from a network
  3. 6. the capacity of a device to hold and retain data
  4. 8. A technology trend: Virtual assistant
  5. 9. an online cloud storage service provided by Microsoft
  6. 11. A model of computing in which firms and individuals obtain computing resources over the Internet
  7. 13. integrated and downloadable specific set of tasks that the computer is told to run
  8. 16. materials that have a conductivity between conductors and nonconductors or insulators
  9. 18. A technology trend: An interactive technology that simulates an environment with its details and make the user feel immersed like its in the real world
  10. 19. one of the attributes of a storage
  11. 20. storage attribute: being available when needed; not subject to breakdown, malfunction, network outages, or service interruptions
  1. 1. a component of marketing that uses the Internet and online-based digital technologies to promote products
  2. 2. emerging technologies are important for organizations to maintain competitive _____
  3. 5. a product example using semiconductor technology
  4. 7. an online marketplace platform to buy and sell items online
  5. 10. A technology trend: An interactive technology that projects virtual information into real world
  6. 12. system that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct transactions electronically via the internet
  7. 14. a flat, solid state storage medium commonly used to transfer files from digital cameras and media players to computers
  8. 15. an exchange of information over significant distances in real time by electronic means
  9. 17. a global scale network that connects computers all over the world