Topic 6 Lesson 5 Severe Weather and Floods

  1. 2. touch ground for 15 minutes or less
  2. 4. when ground cannot absorb more water
  3. 7. if it touches Earth's surface, becomes a tornado
  4. 10. prolonged exposure to heat and sun
  5. 13. here weather changes suddenly calm and clear
  6. 14. conditions are right for producing severe weather, not yet developed
  7. 17. hurricane in 2012
  8. 19. safety weather announcements are made when possible
  9. 21. affect different areas differently based on temperature
  10. 22. hurricanes are called cyclones
  11. 23. lead by thunderstorms
  1. 1. cause severe damage by heavy rains/floods, large hailstones, and fires from lightning
  2. 3. have heavy rains and high winds spiral inward toward the area of lowest pressure at the center
  3. 5. tornado damage is rated on
  4. 6. long-lasting storms (week or more)
  5. 8. a violent disturbance in the atmosphere, with sudden changes in air pressure, causing rapid air movements and precipitation
  6. 9. happen in spring and summer
  7. 11. hurricanes are called typhoons
  8. 12. too little water, little or no rainfall
  9. 15. a localized storm accompanied by heavy precipitation, frequent thunder, and dangerous lightning
  10. 16. types of severe storms
  11. 18. dams and levees to control near rivers to redirect or waters to be released slowly
  12. 19. severe weather is approaching
  13. 20. develop late afternoon in spring and early summer when ground is warmer than the air