Topic 7: The best day of my life

  1. 5. A dream becomes a reality
  2. 6. Successfully deal with a problem
  3. 8. Finishing sth or reaching an aim
  4. 11. The feeling of excited
  5. 14. Event
  6. 16. Laugh with other people
  7. 19. Achieve the results that you want
  8. 21. Sth that you enjoy
  9. 23. Make the relationship better
  10. 24. Be energetic
  11. 25. Peaceful environment
  1. 1. Do sth special with other people
  2. 2. Feeling pleased when achieving sth
  3. 3. Full of (feelings, emotions)
  4. 4. Go through sth
  5. 7. The feeling when you achieve sth
  6. 9. Live great moments of your life
  7. 10. Successfully deal with a problem
  8. 12. Difficult to do
  9. 13. Join some activities outside
  10. 15. Really want sth to happen
  11. 17. Occasion that allows sth to be done
  12. 18. Special, never forget
  13. 20. Very happy
  14. 22. Not being worried about anything