Topic 7 - The Industrial Revolution

  1. 3. drugs that prevents pain during surgery
  2. 9. money used to invest
  3. 12. working class
  4. 13. organizations of workers
  5. 17. a person who starts a business
  6. 18. greatest happiness for greatest number
  7. 19. shares in companies
  1. 1. taking over and consolidating land
  2. 2. chemist that link microbes and disease
  3. 4. business that are owned by investors
  4. 5. business organization in shipping
  5. 6. an association to fix prices
  6. 7. classless society
  7. 8. a machine that generates electricity
  8. 10. German doctor that identify tuberculosis
  9. 11. private roads
  10. 14. separate iron from its ore
  11. 15. movement of people to cities
  12. 16. multistory buildings/apartments