Tori's Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 2. Where did the baby's middle name come from?
  2. 3. First person to find out the couple is expecting?
  3. 6. How old was Tori when she bit her mom for putting her on a carousel horse?
  4. 7. What animal is Tori scared of?
  5. 8. Pregnancy craving?
  6. 12. What show will Tori and Josh watch over and over?
  7. 14. What makes Josh pass out?
  8. 16. Who is going to be a big brother and sister when Sawyer arrives?
  9. 18. What is the baby's name?
  10. 19. Nursery theme
  1. 1. Tori and Josh's football team
  2. 4. What does Tori's dad want the baby to call him?
  3. 5. Was Josh or Tori born three weeks after their due date?
  4. 9. Food Tori hasn't been able to eat during pregnancy?
  5. 10. Month the couple found out they were expecting?
  6. 11. Josh and Tori's favorite liquor?
  7. 13. Town in Maine Josh is from?
  8. 15. What size fruit is the baby right now?
  9. 17. Tori's due date?