
  1. 7. What time of day do tornadoes generally hit early____
  2. 9. A tornado _____ is there will be a chance of tornadoes
  3. 10. Are tornadoes attracted to mobile homes
  4. 12. the name for a tornado that forms over water
  5. 14. If you don't have a bathroom then hide in your _____
  6. 15. A very violent storm that causes tornadoes
  7. 18. is it a myth or true tornadoes are the most dealy natural disasters in United States
  8. 19. Is the 2nd largest outbreak of tornadoes
  9. 21. Study the weather generally know as weathermen
  10. 22. ____ scale to measure tornadoes
  11. 23. is the reason for most common deaths in tornadoes
  1. 1. what is a synonym for Tornado
  2. 2. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  3. 3. What ohio city was the first F5 tornado to strike in the superoutbreak
  4. 4. The amount of damage a F0 can produce
  5. 5. A more modern scale that is a enhanced version of the fujita scale
  6. 6. a tornado ______ is where a tornado has been spotted or Doppler radar has predicted circulation clouds
  7. 8. ______ Clouds is a sign of a Tornado
  8. 11. The city with most outbreaks of tornadoes
  9. 13. Is possible for a tornado to be a F6
  10. 16. Is it true people and other objects can be placed down nicely from a tornado.
  11. 17. What time of year do tornadoes generally strike
  12. 20. measures the pressure outside
  13. 22. A tornado on the fujita scale that measures 300 miles per hour winds is a ____ on the scale.
  14. 23. If you are driving and a tornado appears you hide in this