Touch, Smell, and Sight

  1. 2. A sense that allows us to connect to our surroundings, keep safe, and help maintain the sharpness of our minds.
  2. 5. detect
  3. 6. An organ where the brain interprets the visible light information as an image.
  4. 7. The nerve responsible for your sense of smell.
  5. 9. Pressure, temperature,light touch, vibration, pain,and others are all attributed to different ________.
  6. 10. Where the olfactory system is located.
  7. 11. This sense helps communicate with the brain through special neurons in the skin.
  1. 1. Controls the sense of sight
  2. 3. Cells that make up the senses.
  3. 4. A sense closely linked to memory.
  4. 8. How many distinct smells can the