Tough One!

  1. 3. ignoring risk or danger
  2. 5. a steady position
  3. 9. dangerous
  4. 11. charming
  5. 14. to not look after something or someone
  6. 15. unhappy because you feel someone is better
  7. 17. behaving strangely
  8. 21. to throw or drop things in different directions
  9. 24. to be overwhelmed, shocked, stunned
  10. 26. having a mild or smooth flavor or texture
  11. 27. a long spear
  12. 30. glowing in the dark
  13. 32. an unexpected happening causing damage
  14. 34. old and torn
  15. 37. deserving to be lost at
  16. 39. an annoying person or thing
  17. 41. talk quickly without making sense
  18. 42. with everyone in agreement
  19. 44. wonderful
  20. 45. sleepy
  21. 47. naughty or troublesome behaviour
  22. 48. compound of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
  23. 49. wrinkle forehead in anger
  24. 51. precious stone, an excellent person or thing
  25. 52. person that changes into a wolf
  26. 53. boring because it does not change
  27. 55. leave or abandon
  28. 57. cruel or aggressive
  29. 60. make someone believe or agree
  30. 61. to go down
  31. 62. to praise excessively
  32. 63. question
  33. 64. to show that something is reasonable
  34. 66. fierce or savage
  35. 68. to calm
  36. 69. unbelievable
  1. 1. strange, uncanny
  2. 2. to leave or quit
  3. 4. something stands in the way, hampers progress
  4. 6. group of people traveling together
  5. 7. impressive
  6. 8. sailing boat
  7. 10. something you think you see or hear
  8. 12. spirit of a dead person
  9. 13. enthusiasm or keenness
  10. 16. enjoyable
  11. 18. happening at last
  12. 19. mineral found in milk and cheese
  13. 20. important
  14. 22. to eat or swallow hungrily
  15. 23. a small shellfish
  16. 25. picture on skin
  17. 26. a person who asks for alms
  18. 28. a way of hiding things by blending
  19. 29. happening immediately
  20. 31. unfriendly, likely to attack people
  21. 33. try to persuade
  22. 35. ask for information
  23. 36. hold or handle clumsily
  24. 38. small hut or stall where something is sold
  25. 40. very funny
  26. 43. feeling sadness
  27. 46. fastest pace of a horse
  28. 50. at the same time
  29. 54. ridiculous or foolish
  30. 56. dangerous
  31. 58. great disorder
  32. 59. feel sorrow or disappointment
  33. 65. not able to be endured or tolerated
  34. 67. not definite or clear