Tour du Canada

  1. 2. Need it for panniers
  2. 4. Mountain with highest point on Cabot Trail.
  3. 8. Small metal appendage that attaches the rear gear-changer to the frame.
  4. 10. Name of river between Ottawa and Montreal
  5. 11. Highest mountain pass (two words).
  6. 15. Where you will find the biggest bird
  7. 16. Green Road in Quebec(two words)
  8. 17. Best type of handlebars for tour.
  9. 19. Town with longest footbridge
  10. 20. Double up riding.
  11. 21. Signal Hill Nobel prize winner
  12. 23. Comes in handy when you flat
  13. 24. Component of a bicycle drivetrain.
  14. 26. Newfoundland (en francais)
  15. 27. Programme to help young people
  1. 1. Type of accommodation on tour.
  2. 3. Where you are likely to encounter a dinosaur.
  3. 5. Northern most point on tour (Nickelback's home town).
  4. 6. Victoria Mile Number
  5. 7. Name of Bridge to P.E.I.
  6. 9. Mountain range Rogers Pass
  7. 12. Favourite sandwich (two words).
  8. 13. Something all riders must have.
  9. 14. Number of provinces travelled on Tour du Canada.
  10. 18. Type of valve
  11. 22. You will want of few spare ones.
  12. 25. Home of the big lobster