- 2. Sabeen can speak English, Arabic, and _______. p. 111
- 3. Sabeen’s mom wears this for modesty. p. 83
- 4. Sabeen means “Cool breeze of the ________.” p. 116
- 10. What fair way does Ben list everyone’s name on their homework? p. 84
- 11. What city does Deja live in? p. 88
- 13. What is the word Ma uses to describe how Pop feels? p. 77
- 15. What grade was Miss Garcia in on September 11, 2021? p. 137
- 17. How old is Deja? p. 101
- 18. Who massages Pop’s head to help him feel better? p. 76
- 20. What does Ray get all over Ben’s room and in his hair? p. 93
- 21. What is Sabeen’s dad’s job? p. 112
- 1. What religion does Sabeen practice? p. 148
- 3. Which World Trade Center Tower was completed December 1970? p. 131
- 5. How many terrorist were involved in the 9/11 attacks? p. 151
- 6. Deja thinks Avalon looks like a ______. p. 102
- 7. In science class they must build a tower strong enough to support a ____ ball. p. 132
- 8. What food does Avalon cook right? p. 144
- 9. Which tower collapsed first? p. 155
- 12. Ben’s parents are living separately and getting a _________. p. 79
- 14. What do the kids use to see video of 9/11? p. 150
- 16. What does Ben’s house have that Leda really likes? p. 79
- 19. On p. 82 there is a picture of Ben’s drawing of a ___________.