Towers Falling Week #2 pp. 75 - 156

  1. 2. Sabeen can speak English, Arabic, and _______. p. 111
  2. 3. Sabeen’s mom wears this for modesty. p. 83
  3. 4. Sabeen means “Cool breeze of the ________.” p. 116
  4. 10. What fair way does Ben list everyone’s name on their homework? p. 84
  5. 11. What city does Deja live in? p. 88
  6. 13. What is the word Ma uses to describe how Pop feels? p. 77
  7. 15. What grade was Miss Garcia in on September 11, 2021? p. 137
  8. 17. How old is Deja? p. 101
  9. 18. Who massages Pop’s head to help him feel better? p. 76
  10. 20. What does Ray get all over Ben’s room and in his hair? p. 93
  11. 21. What is Sabeen’s dad’s job? p. 112
  1. 1. What religion does Sabeen practice? p. 148
  2. 3. Which World Trade Center Tower was completed December 1970? p. 131
  3. 5. How many terrorist were involved in the 9/11 attacks? p. 151
  4. 6. Deja thinks Avalon looks like a ______. p. 102
  5. 7. In science class they must build a tower strong enough to support a ____ ball. p. 132
  6. 8. What food does Avalon cook right? p. 144
  7. 9. Which tower collapsed first? p. 155
  8. 12. Ben’s parents are living separately and getting a _________. p. 79
  9. 14. What do the kids use to see video of 9/11? p. 150
  10. 16. What does Ben’s house have that Leda really likes? p. 79
  11. 19. On p. 82 there is a picture of Ben’s drawing of a ___________.