Toxic soil dumping in Sunbury

  1. 1. something that can an be damaging
  2. 2. where cars stop for other vehicles
  3. 3. people who work in construction
  4. 4. where people live
  5. 6. can gives you cancer
  6. 10. city council
  7. 11. a town with buildings and people
  8. 15. high chance
  9. 16. dangerous
  10. 19. helps grow a plan
  11. 20. harmful
  12. 21. cars drive in it
  1. 1. a scary thing that happened
  2. 5. the effect on flora
  3. 7. toxic smoke
  4. 8. a place where people chuck junk
  5. 9. a town
  6. 12. rubbish
  7. 13. the result
  8. 14. well bing of a person
  9. 17. in charge fo dumping
  10. 18. a vehicle