
  1. 3. A game or toy consisting of pieces that need to be fitted together to form a complete picture or solve a problem. Helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  2. 5. Rope A long rope used for jumping over while swinging it over the head and under the feet. Promotes physical activity, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness.
  3. 7. Set A collection of paints, brushes, and surfaces for artistic expression and painting. Encourages creativity, fine motor skills, and self-expression.
  4. 11. Kitchen A miniature kitchen set with pretend appliances, utensils, and food. Stimulates imaginative play and encourages role-playing and creativity.
  5. 12. A two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedals, used for transportation or recreational purposes. Develops balance, coordination, and physical fitness.
  6. 13. Puzzle A puzzle made of interlocking pieces that form a complete picture when assembled. Improves problem-solving, concentration, and visual perception.
  7. 15. A figurine resembling a human, often with movable limbs and changeable outfits. Provides imaginative play and storytelling opportunities.
  8. 16. A toy consisting of a spool attached to a string, which can be manipulated to perform tricks and stunts. Enhances hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
  9. 17. Ball A round ball used in the game of soccer, typically made of leather or synthetic materials. Promotes physical activity, teamwork, and coordination.
  10. 18. Figure A small figurine representing a character from a movie, comic book, or TV show. Often posable and used for imaginative play and storytelling.
  1. 1. Rope A long rope with handles on both ends, used for jumping over as a form of exercise or play. Develops coordination and cardiovascular fitness.
  2. 2. Control Car A miniature car controlled by a handheld remote. Provides fun and entertainment, allowing for driving and racing experiences.
  3. 4. Building blocks that can be stacked and connected to create various structures and designs. Encourages creativity and problem-solving skills.
  4. 6. Instrument A device used to create music, such as a keyboard, guitar, or drum. Provides opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and musical exploration.
  5. 7. A malleable modeling compound that can be shaped and molded into various forms. Encourages creativity and fine motor skills.
  6. 8. A disc-shaped toy thrown and caught for outdoor play. Encourages physical activity, coordination, and teamwork.
  7. 9. Game A game played on a flat surface, often with a board and pieces. Promotes social interaction, strategy, and decision-making skills.
  8. 10. Bear A soft, cuddly stuffed animal with a friendly face and huggable body. It provides comfort and companionship.
  9. 12. Blocks Solid blocks of various shapes and sizes that can be stacked and arranged to build structures. Enhances creativity, spatial awareness, and motor skills.
  10. 14. Train A miniature train set consisting of a locomotive and train cars that can be assembled on tracks. Provides imaginative play and coordination skills.