
  1. 4. A game or toy consisting of various pieces that need to be solved.
  2. 8. game A game played on a flat surface, usually involving dice or cards.
  3. 9. A miniature house with rooms and furniture for dolls to play in.
  4. 10. A round toy with a string attached, which can be thrown and caught.
  5. 11. Small puppets that fit on the finger and are used for storytelling.
  6. 12. Colorful plastic bricks that can be stacked and assembled creatively.
  1. 1. Small glass balls used in various games, rolling and shooting.
  2. 2. A soft, cuddly stuffed animal that resembles a bear.
  3. 3. A toy gun that shoots water, often used for outdoor water fights.
  4. 4. A soft, moldable material used for sculpting and creating shapes.
  5. 5. Cube A three-dimensional puzzle with colored squares on each face.
  6. 6. rope A long rope used for jumping over as a form of exercise or play.
  7. 7. A lightweight object with a frame and a tail, flown in the wind.