
  1. 3. Activities that take place outside, such as running, playing sports, or exploring nature.
  2. 4. Engaging in activities for fun and enjoyment, often involving imagination and creativity.
  3. 6. Using one's imagination to express oneself and come up with unique ideas.
  4. 7. Exploring and finding new things, information, or hidden treasures.
  5. 10. Acting out or imagining oneself in different roles or scenarios.
  6. 11. Using one's mind to create and envision new ideas, stories, and worlds.
  7. 14. Taking on different roles or characters to act out stories and scenarios.
  8. 15. Engaging in friendly challenges and contests to test skills and abilities.
  9. 16. Expressing joy and amusement through giggles and smiles during play.
  1. 1. Working together with others to achieve a common goal or complete tasks.
  2. 2. Using one's imagination to express oneself and come up with unique ideas.
  3. 5. Using critical thinking and logical reasoning to solve puzzles or overcome obstacles.
  4. 8. Building relationships and bonds with others through shared play experiences.
  5. 9. Exploring and embarking on exciting journeys or quests, using imagination and curiosity.
  6. 12. Play activities that involve movement and exercise, such as running or jumping.
  7. 13. Having a strong desire to learn and discover new things through play.