
  1. 4. To engage in activities for enjoyment and amusement.
  2. 5. A game where players chase and try to touch each other.
  3. 7. A light frame covered with paper or fabric that is flown in the air.
  4. 9. A game or activity that requires problem-solving and logical thinking.
  5. 13. A small, flexible bag filled with air or gas, often used for play or decoration.
  6. 14. rope A long rope that two or more people swing while others jump over it.
  7. 15. A smooth, sloping structure that allows people to slide down.
  1. 1. An object or device used for play and entertainment.
  2. 2. An area with structures and equipment designed for outdoor play.
  3. 3. An activity or sport with rules and objectives, often played for fun.
  4. 6. A game where one person closes their eyes and counts while others hide.
  5. 8. A thin sphere of soap and water that can be blown into different shapes.
  6. 10. A round object used in various games and sports.
  7. 11. A game played by hopping on one foot and hopping over chalk squares.
  8. 12. A seat attached to chains or ropes that moves back and forth.