Toys Vocabulary 2

  1. 1. thinly dispersed, scattered
  2. 3. unwilling, hesitant
  3. 6. high pointed piece of rock
  4. 7. Vocabulary List- 2
  5. 8. a fixed regular payment from employer to employee
  6. 9. look like, seem like
  7. 11. a display of excessive excitement
  8. 13. a beginning company
  9. 15. make something by combining various ingredients
  10. 17. curious, interested
  1. 2. a person taking a financial risk to start a business
  2. 4. a machine or device that seems strange, complicated or unsafe
  3. 5. old, torn, in poor condition
  4. 10. weak, delicate
  5. 12. put things into correct or relative position
  6. 14. unlimited time
  7. 16. absolutely necessary, essential