
  1. 2. you have to biuld this
  2. 4. ball you shoot hoops with this
  3. 6. you can talk to people from diffrent places with these
  4. 9. games you play this with family members
  5. 10. something that shoots a dart
  6. 11. you have to jump with this
  1. 1. littel kids like to make these their secret hideout
  2. 3. ball people sometimes call this a pig skin
  3. 4. you have to petell to get this going
  4. 5. you can play games like super mario on this
  5. 7. ball you hit this with a racket
  6. 8. station you play this with a controler
  7. 9. ball you can bounce this
  8. 12. controll helicopter something you can fly