Trade Among the States

  1. 2. New York placed taxes on ______ from New Jersey.
  2. 5. What did states place on imported goods?
  3. 8. The cost of money had became almost ______ because we had no silver or gold to back it up.
  4. 10. These events led to a ______ economy.
  5. 11. New York placed taxes on ______ from Connecticut.
  1. 1. The ______ system was the system that the Americans used.
  2. 3. ______ arose among the states that refused to trade with one another.
  3. 4. This policy upset ______ and merchants who sold these products.
  4. 6. What did you notice about the ship in the corner?
  5. 7. North Carolina used ______ as there currency.
  6. 9. What type of system did the states restore to?
  7. 11. After the war there was unsettling ______ issues with the states.