Traditional Shaving Crossword Puzzle 1

  1. 4. Seals a nick quick!
  2. 6. A musk fit for Bruce Lee.
  3. 9. ATG
  4. 13. Sexiest Super Speed
  5. 14. A rum good anytime of day!
  6. 16. The best soap for shaving.
  7. 17. A Double Edge Razor.
  8. 19. Slang name for first safety razor.
  9. 20. King C
  10. 22. For hot lather
  1. 1. "Steel City"
  2. 2. Something Different.
  3. 3. What we do.
  4. 5. Some people love it, others not so much.
  5. 7. Your Favorite Wet Shaving Show.
  6. 8. A Cut Throat.
  7. 10. Be No Longer Lather's slave Treat yourself to...
  8. 11. PAA Mascot
  9. 12. Turned blue to discourage the doughboys.
  10. 15. Young Sweet
  11. 18. Butterfly Action
  12. 21. An inmates tech.