  1. 3. The movement or conveying of persons and goods from one location to another.
  2. 6. a part of traffic way over which motor vehicle pass.
  3. 7. The scattered broken parts of vehicles, rubbish, dust and other materials left at scene of the accident caused by a collision.
  4. 10. he built the first high speed internal combustion engine.
  5. 13. Known as road propaganda which may be intended simply to inform.
  6. 16. It is an enforcement action which consists of taking a person into custody for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a charge of law violation before a court.
  7. 17. This is means of having violators appear in court without physical arrest.
  8. 19. Early man, who had no domesticated animals, carried his own burdens.
  9. 20. he built an oil-fired steam car
  10. 23. Pack animals were introduced as conveyances mainly to save labor.
  11. 26. One of the GREATEST INVENTION of man
  12. 29. The first animal domesticated, is to slight to carry heavy loads.
  13. 34. events or incidents which may cause unintentional damage to property, loss of limbs and/or death.
  14. 35. Any inherent characteristics of a road, a vehicle, or a person that affects the probability of a traffic accident.
  15. 38. It is the process of giving training and practice in the actual application of traffic safety knowledge.
  16. 39. which were first domesticated in Mesopotamia, they are used as pack animals and for riding.
  17. 41. It is also a whole police function which involves the actual taking of enforcement actions.
  18. 42. it refers to the movement of persons, goods, or vehicles, either powered by combustion system or animal drawn, from one place to another for purpose of travel.
  19. 43. introduced the first fast mail coach
  20. 46. In pre-Columbian America, it was the only new world animal other than the dog capable of domestication for use in transport.
  21. 47. he invented the first successful automobile tire with an air-filled inner tube (interior)
  22. 48. many traffic congestions are caused by slow drivers or poor driving habits, pedestrian mistakes, officer’s error, poor planning, poor legislation, and traffic accidents which are mostly attributed to human errors.
  23. 49. are installed to permit safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians at busy intersections.
  1. 1. It is the theory which asserts that man exhibits a constant variation of life energy and mood states
  2. 2. It refers to reduced risk of accident or injury on the roads, achieved through multidisciplinary approaches involving road engineering and traffic management, education and training of road users, and vehicle design.
  3. 4. these are incidents or instances of one moving traffic unit or person striking violently against another.
  4. 5. it means an entire width between the boundary lines of every way dedicated to a public authority when any part of the way is open to the use of the public for purpose of vehicular traffic
  5. 8. A circumstance that alters an attribute permanently or temporarily.
  6. 9. one of the modern ancestors of the modern bicycle
  7. 11. This field deals mostly on the implementation and enforcement of traffic laws and rules and regulations.
  8. 12. introduced the MODEL T and had adopted mass production methods to meet the demand.
  9. 14. It had four wheels, a cover and was generally drawn by two or more horses
  10. 15. It is the science of measuring traffic and travel the study of the basic laws relative to the traffic law and generation
  11. 18. serve as the nursery of automobile builders
  12. 21. The MAJOR road builders and they built 50, 000 miles or 80,000 kms.
  13. 22. the proponent of theory of feeder road building.
  14. 24. This step determines the guilt or innocence of a person.
  15. 25. it refers to the side of the roadway, especially along highways.
  16. 27. may be walking, running or standing on a roadway.
  17. 28. A covered carriage with two wheels, had seats for two or three and was usually drawn by two mules, horses or even oxen.
  18. 30. these are narrow points or areas in highways where traffic congestions or traffic jams usually occur or traffic may be held up.
  19. 31. an area of a roadway created when two or more roadways join together at any angle
  20. 32. these are road /streets interconnecting provinces and/or cities
  21. 33. the application of the process and skills in planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and budgeting to traffic affairs.
  22. 36. The striking of one body against another or a collision of a motor vehicle with another motor vehicle.
  23. 37. are responsible for the adjudication of traffic-related cases filed before them.
  24. 40. He developed a diesel engine also known as compression-ignition engine- an internal combustion engine that uses the heat compression to initiate ignition to burn the fuel.
  25. 42. was a sacred vehicle elaborately ornamented with ivory and silver. This had either two or four wheels and was drawn by four horses or as in this illustration by elephants.
  26. 44. it refers to the paved walkway along the side of the street.
  27. 45. used chiefly by women of the upper classes. It was furnished with cushions, had a covered top, but open sides