Traffic Management and Accident Investigation

  1. 1. - refers to the authorized or unauthorized use of the opposite lane of a two way or separated road
  2. 3. in full view of traffic
  3. 5. -country first used traffic signs and symbols
  4. 7. -This is used as a pack animal
  5. 13. -painted on the pavement and placed at intersections and other places to provide pedestrians with safety zone when crossing
  6. 15. -These signs are intended to inform road users of special obligations, instructions or prohibitions which motorists must comply
  7. 16. - events which usually produce unintended injury, death, or damage to property
  8. 19. - object or vehicle on the road that hinders or prevent the smooth flow of traffic
  9. 20. - In traffic enforcement, what do you call on the act of bringing a motor vehicle as a consequence of traffic law violation?
  10. 22. - the time or space interval between consecutive vehicles moving in the lane
  11. 24. -traffic mechanism having a complete electrical timing that is mounted on a cabinet and with control operation
  12. 25. -modern procedure for coping with streets and highway traffic by improving road efficiency
  13. 26. -movement of persons, good, and vehicles either powered by an animal or an animal- drawn vehicle on by combustion system from one place to another
  14. 27. -He perfected the Macadamized road system in England
  15. 29. -First invented in the Tigris-Euphrates valley something before 3000 B.C.
  16. 31. - In this manner, a traffic enforcer while observing the flow of traffic tries to attract attention of the motorists by
  17. 33. -any licenses operator of a motor vehicle
  18. 35. -event where harm is done, either injury to a person or damage to property that is attributed to the movement of motor vehicles on the road
  19. 36. -A traffic enforcement action that makes a violator to appear in court without physical arrest
  20. 40. -port where a message is conveyed by means of words or symbols
  21. 43. -combination of verbal warning and citations
  22. 46. - what complex activity deals directly with human behavior
  23. 47. - marks left on the road surface left by metal parts of the vehicle and may serve as a clue in traffic investigation is referred to as
  24. 48. -What enforcement action will not result to legal consequence?
  25. 49. -traffic rule which is applicable to all motorists worldwide
  1. 2. -What science deals about measuring traffic and travel?
  2. 4. -What lane indicates your driving lane, which prohibits you from crossing on it?
  3. 6. - In the Philippines, what is the first rule in traffic?
  4. 8. -A friction mark on a pavement made by a tire, which is both rotating a slipping
  5. 9. -An elevated structure built for the safety of the pedestrians in crossing busy highways
  6. 10. -enforcement action consists of taking a person into custody for purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a charge of violation before a court
  7. 11. - the first and most important step in enforcing traffic rules
  8. 12. -This can be carried out by imparting knowledge concerning traffic safety, training and practice in the actual application of traffic and developing traffic safety morality
  9. 13. -This is an observation by a traffic enforcer in which the observer is not visible to persons using ordinary powers of observation from the roadway being observe
  10. 14. -This refers to the number of vehicles occupying a specific length of a roadway at a given instan
  11. 17. - This refers to a group of stopped vehicle units due to an interruption
  12. 18. -What do you call a person, possessing a driver’s license, who is on board a motor vehicle
  13. 21. - It is the keeping of order on streets and highways within existing regulations to make their use safe and expeditions
  14. 23. - kind of driver is one who shows a complete disregard for others, aggressive, impatient, demanding and thoroughly selfish in his actions affecting other drivers
  15. 25. -An accident involving traffic transportation on a traffic way
  16. 28. -A line which is placed parallel to a center or lane line, indicates that all traffic must not cross for purposes of overtaking or passing
  17. 30. -These are activities that are normally resorted to by the courts on traffic violations
  18. 31. -How are violators informed of violation of the law and thereafter, explain the hazards of such action
  19. 32. - traffic action taken by the traffic police such as arresting, issuing traffic citation ticket and giving warning toerring drivers for the purpose of deterring and discouraging and or preventing such violations
  20. 34. -most common cause of road accident in the Philippines
  21. 37. - It was them who brought road building to its highest point of perfection in ancient times
  22. 38. -The occurrence in a sequence of events, which usually produces unintended injury, death or property damage as the result of vehicle in motion
  23. 39. - What warning is usually used when you have observed a minor violation, where the violator cannot be held accountable, either the enforcer is occupied on something else or is unable to enforce law the violated due to other hindrances?
  24. 41. -Who was the inventor of the pneumatic bicycle tire?
  25. 42. -How do you call a person who just un-boarded a public utility vehicle
  26. 44. -most common enforcement action by the police
  27. 45. - the entire width between the boundary lines of every way that is publicly maintained and is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel