Transactional Writing

  1. 4. Slightly more challenging than writing to inform, but similar.
  2. 5. Saying it again for effect.
  3. 6. The proper name for triples / lists of three.
  4. 8. Agony Aunts provide this in newspapers and magazines.
  5. 10. When you are asking for effect rather than expecting an answer.
  6. 11. Personal stories used to connect with the reader.
  7. 12. Emotive vocabulary affects these.
  8. 13. The opposite of opinions.
  9. 15. When you start a statement with 'If' you are using this tense.
  1. 1. Words that sound like the sound they describe.
  2. 2. Using 'you' to speak to the reader.
  3. 3. A verb that is a command.
  4. 7. The first type of transactional writing we looked at - often used in speeches.
  5. 9. A type of verb - could / should / might.
  6. 14. These sentences can be very effective if used carefully.