- 3. "____ thyself" Emerson taught
- 4. (2 words) Emerson challenged people to use this to guide their lives and improve society
- 7. (3 words) Person who took Transcendentalism seriously and accepted Emerson's challenge
- 11. A small group of people from here created Transcendentalism
- 12. (2 words) the idea that people should peacefully disobey unjust laws if their consciences demand it
- 15. (3words) Person who was the leading Transcendentalist
- 16. Romanticism placed greater value on nature, ______, and imagination
- 17. Emphasized reasons, opposite believes from Transcendentalism
- 18. The body of written works in a language, culture, or period
- 20. The unique importance of each individual
- 21. Emerson and Thoreau didn't support this, because they believed that everyone was equal
- 1. An advanced state of culture, in a human society
- 2. Emerson and Thoreau _____ that people must judge right or wrong for themselves
- 5. ______ Luther King Jr. was influenced by Thoreau's nonviolent protests
- 6. European form of Transcendentalism
- 8. The other version of Transcendentalism, Romanticism, originated there
- 9. The movement that sought to explore the relationship between humans and nature through emotions rather than through reason
- 10. They believed in close links between _____ and people
- 13. Book title, published by Thoreau in 1854
- 14. Thoreau spent a night there after refusing to pay a tax
- 19. Root word of Transcendentalism, means "go beyond"