Pet and domestic animal

  1. 3. bee. I give you honey from my nectar
  2. 7. I am very big and furry I live in woods i have a big nose 4 legs and tail
  3. 8. I carry good from one place to other I am tall animal
  4. 10. The baby sheep
  5. 11. I am very big and heavy I have 4 legs and 2 big ears my long nose is known as trumck
  6. 15. Mammals of the ox family
  7. 16. Goat give us
  8. 17. The baby of cat
  9. 18. Ox is used for
  10. 19. I can smell things and have 4 legs I can wag my tail and like to play
  1. 1. I carry loads
  2. 2. I et grass and I provide milk to human being I have 4 legs
  3. 4. I give your fir to make wool or silk
  4. 5. The animal which have humps on its back
  5. 6. I have 2 legs 2 wings and a tail I eat worms and insect i lave egg
  6. 8. I am soft and furry pet I have sharp teeth and calwa I like to eat mice
  7. 9. I love to eat carrot thats my favourite
  8. 12. I live in stable
  9. 13. I stay in burrow
  10. 14. I have 2 horn and my body is covered with thick coat