Transportation Pollution

  1. 5. this is used to make steel and comes from the ground
  2. 6. one kind of air pollution
  3. 7. one effect of climate change
  4. 9. what is a major source of air pollution?
  5. 12. how many main types of transportation pollution are there?
  6. 13. carbon dioxide is a greenhouse what?
  7. 14. materials used to make cars include glass, rubber, steel and what?
  1. 1. another kind of air pollution
  2. 2. who is working hard to solve the pollution problem?
  3. 3. a vehicles what gives off emissions?
  4. 4. car parts in landfills can pollute what?
  5. 6. how many million deaths did air pollution cause in 2012?
  6. 8. where a copper mine damaged a lake
  7. 10. a cars body is normally made of this
  8. 11. more than a billion of these are on the roads