
  1. 1. after 9
  2. 5. city at the coast
  3. 6. 13 September
  4. 7. Amber
  5. 12. Mumbai
  6. 13. search engine for accommodation
  7. 14. capital of Malaysia
  8. 16. where India won 1st Olympic Gold
  9. 17. Taj Mahal
  10. 18. eiffel tower
  11. 20. capital of Turkey
  1. 2. airline
  2. 3. underwater walk
  3. 4. fruit/airline
  4. 8. resort Mauritius
  5. 9. capital Mauritius
  6. 10. where Mokate comes from
  7. 11. Country where Audi and Mercedes come from
  8. 15. where nefis comes from
  9. 19. sufi master/poet