  1. 3. start a journey
  2. 6. To land at an airport.
  3. 10. Arrive and register at a hotel or an airport.
  4. 11. Have a holiday or vacation.
  5. 13. Stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey.
  6. 14. Take someone to a place and leave them there.
  1. 1. Start a journey, especially a long journey.
  2. 2. arrive (train,plane)
  3. 4. Rush and not waste time.
  4. 5. leave the hotel after paying
  5. 7. Let someone get into your car and take them somewhere.
  6. 8. Go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone.
  7. 9. when a plane departs or leaves the ground
  8. 12. Delay when travelling.