
  1. 1. A thing, which is placed on the back and can hold the necessary items.
  2. 3. A holiday during which you work.
  3. 7. Another word for baggage.
  4. 8. A type of holiday, when you organize everything by yourself.
  5. 9. Building where you can spend the night.
  6. 10. Synonymus for stewardess.
  7. 12. The location of the road, otherwise known as the curb.
  1. 2. A flight by an aircraft chartered for a specific journey, not part of an airline's regular schedule.
  2. 4. A type of holiday, when you go to someone's house and they go to yours.
  3. 5. A guided bus tour for a group of holidaymakers that follows a scheduled itinerary.
  4. 6. A type of holiday, when everything is organized by a travel agency or some company.
  5. 11. When your trip’s or holiday’s date changes (verb).