travel 2

  1. 2. you should always get the local one of this from the bank when you travel
  2. 6. something you make before your vacation to hold your spot on the tour, at the hotel etc
  3. 7. a portable bag with a handle and wheels; used for carrying clothes and other personal items.
  4. 11. the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location
  5. 13. a schedule you create of the activities you will do on your trip
  6. 15. a vehicle that is moved by a locomotive and has connected "cars"
  7. 17. when you don't go to work for a few days and visit someplace fun
  8. 19. an accommodation that is super cheap and mostly young backpackers stay here when they travel
  1. 1. when you stop in one city usually for a few hours on your way to another city; you might have to change planes here.
  2. 2. a large ship that carries people on trips for pleasure
  3. 3. places where you stay when you go on vacation
  4. 4. something you take with a knowledgable local who tells you many interesting things about the place you are visiting
  5. 5. what people take to remember their trip using a camera
  6. 8. center a place you can go to to get information about the city you are visiting
  7. 9. people buy these to help them remember their trip
  8. 10. a vehicle design to fly and take passengers where they want to go
  9. 12. something you must buy that will allow you on the plane, into the museum etc
  10. 14. a type of bag that you are allowed to take with you on the plane for your personal belongings
  11. 16. a vehicle for traveling on water.
  12. 18. something you must take in order to travel in 2021