
  1. 6. to leave a hotel
  2. 8. arrive and register at a hotel or airport
  3. 9. walking in nature as a recreational activity
  4. 11. a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay
  5. 12. the act of reaching a place
  6. 13. the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location
  7. 14. the action of leaving, especially to start a journey
  1. 1. travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis
  2. 2. the place to which someone or something is going or being sent
  3. 3. a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation
  4. 4. the part of the land near the sea
  5. 5. suitcases or other bags in which to pack personal belongings for travelling
  6. 7. a course along which someone or something moves
  7. 10. a long journey involving travel by sea or in space