
  1. 4. A place to stay during travel
  2. 5. Walking in nature or on trails
  3. 11. The method of traveling, such as a car or plane
  4. 13. An exciting experience or activity
  5. 14. A legal document that allows one to travel internationally
  6. 17. sports Thrilling activities that involve risk
  7. 18. A place where someone is traveling to
  8. 19. A prominent feature of a landscape or area
  1. 1. A sandy or pebbly shore by a sea or ocean
  2. 2. A type of bag used for traveling
  3. 3. An object kept to remember a place visited
  4. 6. A trip taken on a boat or ship
  5. 7. A visual representation of a location
  6. 8. A tour of a location's landmarks or attractions
  7. 9. A book that provides information about a place
  8. 10. A plan for a trip that includes the schedule of activities
  9. 11. A person who travels for pleasure
  10. 12. The style of cooking and types of food of a region
  11. 15. Relating to the culture of a particular place or people
  12. 16. Staying in a tent or shelter outdoors